Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Chapter 113 - help -
gee. something about this exams is making me really stressed. i think it's the stress of not having had exams for close to 4 years now...... :(((((( [to use an analogy.. try recalling what you studied for your O levels and see if you can recall any facts for those who don't/have not done their NS]

so anyway, i did manage to escape Cambridge for a day yesterday.... went off to visit Fraser..... we went off to Oxburgh Hall first (it's this stately English house, which has a cool moat around it, a nice garden and this thingy called a "Ha Ha" which is quite cool. it's kind of a ditch to keep out the cattle, but you won't notice it until you like 3 feet from it... ;p go read about it) and then we bought some strawberries and cream on the way back and had a very English-y tea break, with English tea (duhz), short bread, and strawberries & cream while sitting out in the cold sun.

So that's Fraser(right) and Bob(left) having our afternoon tea....

And because it's Spring and the flowers are in full bloom and Fraser has a nice orchard that has LOTS of plants, it's really nice. Like this field of ox-eye daisies... aren't they lovely? :)

We ended the day in more typical english fashion by having a BBQ in the orchard... Fraser trying to open the wine bottle, Bonzo (the dog) taking a breather...

Bob the chef who prepared the yummy-licious food for the night..... and we had bbq apricots with yogurt and honey (fresh from the hives in the orchard) for dessert! yummmmmmmmmmm.

So yeah. by the time i got back to my room, i was too tired to do anymore work and went straight to bed. And on another note, last week, while i was working, my lamp cast a nice shadow picture that i quite liked. it's rather quirky but there's something alluring about it....
Posted by yellowlemonie at 12:35 AM
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