Thursday, September 22, 2005
Chapter 5 - Gay days in Birmingham...
Alright, clarification, when I mean gay, i mean like happy and gay... ;p

So I spent my next couple of days (20/9 - 21/9) in Birmingham exploring the town, together with *cough* Allan. Anyway, I was staying at Allan's sister (Selina)'s place.. So I was rudely awakened the next morning (after my coach ride) with kids bouncing all over me. Hehz. But they're really cute lah.

That's the room that the children were sleeping in... =)

And then the very first day, we met up with Shuying who is Allan's fellow SPF scholar, who's studying at Uni. of Birmingham. And we headed for town where Allan kinda wanted to take the Wheel of Birmingham...
so we all went... But honestly, it wasn't much of a view lah.. I mean hello.. Birmingham? haha. =) but at least we got to go 5 rounds... haha...

Then we visited the Art Museum or something... where we played "dress-Allan-up" at this section we came across...Shuying and I did quite a good job right? ;p

And we walked a really long way through city centre to this shopping area called Bull Ring.. it's supposed to be the HUMONGOUS-EST shopping mall in the whole of Europe.. and it was huge alright... and the best thing? It has an Apple store. =)
After walking for a bit more, we went for lunch in Chinatown, then walked a really long way to Allan's brother-in-law's shop at Jewellery Quarters... then walked a really long way back... (notice we've been walking since we started? *pant*)

FINALLY, we got home and we helped Selina prepare dinner... which was a really delicious yummy meal, consisting of pork chops with oranges, roast potatoes and grilled mushrooms with cheese. YUMMY! And that pretty much concludes DAY ONE... =)


Allan and I decide to visit Cadbury World (@ Bourneville). And I mean why not.. after all we've all watched Charlie & The Chocolate Factory right? =)
This way to Cadbury World it says...

Then when we entered, there were like some exhibits about how Cadbury came to become Cadbury, etc.. Quite interesting really.. And the best part? They give you chocolate bars to munch on when you enter... So you're like "Oh *chomp* so that's how chocolate *chomp* is made..." And then we visited the packaging plant, where we saw how the chocolate is packaged, boxed, etc...

Well... that's JUST a huge tub of chocolate... Fondue anyone?

Kenny @ Cadbury World... I just had to take a picture of the huge Cadbury... =)

So after visiting the Cadbury World, having lots of chocolate stuffed into our tummies, and lugging another tonne of chocolate from the shop, we finally set off back to Birmingham, where we tried to go go-karting, but it was fully booked.. So we took a walk down a canal instead... And did you know that there're more canals in England than there are in Venice? Well, it's really cool anyway, and we came across a canal boat, which looks like this:

And that was Allan flirting... Anyway, it's really cool, cos they kinda live on these boats and they travel through the canals, and I mean you could travel by canal from London to Birmingham and even further! And apparently, you have to get a license or something... Cos they have to cross locks:

which is something to help you get across canals of differing water levels.... (otherwise it'll be very much like whitewater rafting... ;p

And that concludes Kenny's adventures in Birmingham... Next stop: Warwick!
Posted by yellowlemonie at 2:33 AM
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