Thursday, January 12, 2006
Chapter 47 - The Wonders of Vinegar
Quick entry before I head for the showers...

Earlier this week when I was unpacking my room, and I was unpacking my kettle, I realised how much limescale had built up in my kettle, and that kinda disturbed me to think of the amount of eeeky stuff that I was drinking. Good thing I bought a water filter from London before I got back. So anyway, I was a little bored just now and decided to google on ways to remove limescale (i mean i'm from singapore right? like who the hell heard of limescale? fyi, it's hard water here in the UK..)

Well, according to a few household tips sites, the best way it seems was to boil 1 part water with 1 part vinegar in the kettle... so that's what i did.. and finally i got to use my bottle of vinegar, which i've only used, like twice? and then i set the kettle boiling... when the storm in the kettle died down, i opened the kettle to discover that the limescale was ALL gone.. and what i had left was a sparkling heating element:

wow.. it sparkles! ok.. i forgot to take a "before" shot...

and now my room reeks of vinegar.. hmmz

(ps: the song playing in the background is corrinne may's journey... nice right?)
Posted by yellowlemonie at 10:56 PM
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