Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Chapter 231 - SaiKano
I do apologise for so many anime related posts lately... Can't help it though - life not exciting enough to blog about other stuff... haha... (or so I say... ;p)

Anyway, while being a voyeur and searching for blogs which posted on CosFest VI, i stumbled upon Raydance's livejournal site, who incidentally was one of the Cosplayers at afore-mentioned CosFest. She was dressed at Chise from SaiKano - which got me interested in the anime. Before I talk about the anime, I better post pics of Raydance's costume here first...

I hope one of the first thing's you notice is that the photo is a lot sharper than the ones I posted before.

I kinda like this 2nd one myself... It's kinda like a poster shot eh? I've also got more of the other shots, although not processed in my CosFest album

So moving on to the anime SaiKano - it's about this girl called Chise who is also an ultimate weapon in the ongoing war, who falls in love with Shinji, her classmate. It's a 12-episode anime, and I've just finished episode 8, so i imagine I will finish it soon. At the moment, it's still kinda tragically sad and sweet... Such sweet sorrow this anime is...

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Posted by yellowlemonie at 3:01 PM
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