Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Chapter 205 - Asparagus Pee
Since it's the English Asparagus season, I thought it might be wise to educate everyone on some asparagus eating ethics... ;p For those of you who are wondering what I am talking about, I suggest you try this - Go buy a bunch of asparagus, cook it and eat it, and the next time you visit the loo (to pee that is), just be a little conscious of the "fragance"....

For some scientific explanation, check out this article. Which I quote, "It is said that in a venerable British men's club there is a sign reading "DURING THE ASPARAGUS SEASON MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED NOT TO RELIEVE THEMSELVES IN THE HATSTAND." "

Or you can also check this other article.

For some humour now, check this out: (it's one of the NEW mac/pc clips... never fails to amuse me... ;p)

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Posted by yellowlemonie at 9:40 PM
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