Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Chapter 254 - Life
It's been quite a while since I've had a lazy afternoon as I did today, where I got to laze in bed reading the papers, magazines and book(s). And I guess if you'd ask me the one thing that'd struck me while I was reading was this article in The Guardian's G2 (it's pretty much like Life! in ST):

Loved and lost

G2 columnist Dina Rabinovitch, who died yesterday aged 44, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. As the cancer progressed - and she underwent increasingly experimental treatment - she wrote with honesty, courage and humour about the good times and the bad. Here, in extracts from her columns, we chart her journey from the shock of that first day to the final thoughts she shared about her adored family

click here for the rest of the article.

I think when most of us are placed in a similar situation as Rabinovitch was, we might not have the courage as she had to write about what she went through, and I'd guess that the children might have been affected the most...

And on a somewhat related topic on the loss of life, the world's oldest animal was apparently killed on Monday as well. It was a clam dredged off the seabed off Iceland... The Clam Article
Posted by yellowlemonie at 2:49 PM
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