Sunday, November 04, 2007
Chapter 256 - Bird Watching...
The 2nd of the series of weekend trips out of Cambridge was to Rutland waters, where we went bird-watching (quite literally). Armed with our bird identification book (Thorburn's Birds), and a camera, we went to the various hides along at Egleston, Rutland Waters in our quest to find birds.

It was quite an experience though - considering we couldn't tell the difference between a shag, a tit or a boobie. (they're not what you think! haha). But anyhow, I must say we did quite well in the end, with the help of the avid birdies bird-watchers in the hide, who helped us identify them.. And I've got good pictures to show for it as well! ;p

A pair of Mallard ducks with their heads "stuck" in the mud...

A lapwing...

A little egret - these new few shots really made my trip to Egleston worthwhile.... :)
Little Egret

Little Egret

A grey heron...

A moorhen.. A juvenile moorhen is called a moor-chick, which by the analagoy to a chicken, should mean that a male moorhen is a moorcock? (read it aloud pls... ;p)

And because there're so many other shots, i suggest you just check out the photo album HERE instead... ;p

And it's so nice to wake up to a lovely morning nowadays, with the yellow autumn colours so vivid right outside my window.... :)

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Posted by yellowlemonie at 9:06 PM
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