Sunday, March 23, 2008
Chapter 309 - Magnolia
Magnolia - What a terribly gripping movie, if not very long (3 hours!). It's quite old I know, but it was the first time I've watched it. It was really enjoyable though, and not in the Mary Poppins kind of spoonful-of-sugar type happiness, but the oh-my-f**king-goodness type of enjoyment. And somewhat depressing as well.

Towards the end of the show, there was this scene of raining frogs. And I was commenting on how that's technically not possible, since you'll need a incredibly high concentration of frogs to be sucked up, transported to the city, to be rained upon. But a search on Wikipedia reveals that it does actually happen, though the animals may not always be alive. (Article HERE). And the most interesting about it is that there's apparently a documented rain of fishes in Singapore once upon a time (in 1861), according to this source.

The note is entitled
“Shower of Fishes; earthquake at Singapore,” and was published in 1861:’

We experienced here an earthquake at 7: 34 m., February 16, that lasted about two minutes; it was followed by & rains, which on the 20th, 21at, and 22d became veritable torrents. The last day at 9 a. m. the rain redoubled in fury, and in a half hour our inclosed plot became a sea of water * * *.

At 10 o’clock the rainn lifted and from my window I saw a large number of Malays and Chinese filling baskets with fishes which they picked u in the pools of water which covered the road. On being asked where the fishes came from, the natives replied that they had fallen from the sky. Three days afterwards, when the pools had dried up, we found many dead fishes.

In other random stuff, I found out that GDBO in a Cambridge context means God Damn Bloody Oxford! ;p All the best to CUW and CULRC who are racing tomorrow - go kick some dark blue asses!

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