Friday, May 02, 2008
Chapter 328 - Day before yesterday...
The day before yesterday, I saw a rabbit.
Yesterday, a deer.
And today, you
So here's introducing you to another anime series - Clannad. There're only 23 episodes! If you've watched Kanon or Air (or even if you haven't), I'm sure you'll like it. Oh, and I learn something(s) new.
Apparently, they refer to the mochi dumplings. If I hadn't wiki-ed it, I'd have thought they were smileys.
Like this one here. And omg, i just looked at the lyrics just now, and it's soooo hilarious! it's about how there are two dango in love, they have a kid, and the grandparent dango looks on or something like that.... *cough*lame*cough*
2. Contrails
Apparently there's a name given to the cloud trails left behind when an aeroplane flies by... It's called a contrail....
And working with 2 monitors rox.... :)
Labels: Anime
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