Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Chapter 418 - New Year Resolutions 2011
ssWell, this is a very much delayed New Year Resolution post. I could come up with a list of excuses of why this wasn't done earlier, but I guess I should resolve not to do that! ;p (And you can tell that not procrastinating is obviously not on my new year resolution list for this year! keke)

I was disappointed when I tried to search for what my resolutions were last few years and I realised I haven't been very resolving! ;p I did find many amusing posts of mine in the past though - like this one.

Anyway, my resolution(s) for 2011 are fairly simple:

1. Eat Health and Stay Healthy
2. Spend less and Save more!
3. Always find time to spend with my loved ones. :)
That's all. ;p

2010 has been a good year for me, career-wise, so I hope this positive trend will continue to keep up in 2011. *fingers-crossed*


Posted by yellowlemonie at 12:33 PM
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