Sunday, January 03, 2010
Chapter 408 - Ushering in 2010
Well, it took me 3 days to finally write my New Year's Day post. I was wondering what my New Year resolution was for 2009, and I found out that I actually didn't bother with resolutions! Instead, I reflected on how 2008 had been for me.

So, should it be resolution, or reflection this year? Honestly, I can't decide. Maybe I will do both.

Reflections of 2009
I thought 2009 was somewhat an uneventful year, so much so that I had the least number of posts here since 2005. I guess most of that was due to the very busy and hectic teaching schedule, and the utter brain drain that I face at the end of every day. What exactly happened in 2009? I passed my 2B riding test, got a bike, graduated from NIE (which is probably the best thing that happened to be in 2009!), oh, and bought a flat too!

Also did a fair bit of travelling. Visited Bangkok (Dec/Jan), Bintan (Apr), Laos (June), Batam (Oct), Vietnam (Nov/Dec) - trying to cover more of the South-East Asian countries, now that I'm back in Singapore.

Resolutions 2010
My resolutions for this year? Top on my list will probably be to exercise more! Strangely enough, I seem to have put on some weight teaching, even though I skipped lunch on most days. To help me with that, I have bought a bicycle (a road bike), and I intend to cycle to school on most days (provided I'm not going out after school). The 15-minute ride to school (x 2, cos it's to and fro) will probably be better than no exercise at all. In fact, I tried riding to school the other day for contact time - it was quite a workout. (I was panting, and perspiring!)

Other things will include learning something new - such as maybe sailing? kayaking? But I honestly think this won't materialise, given how tight the school schedule is already, and how CCAs, committees, and admin work will start kicking in for us this year. Instead, I thought I might try what Louis has done - the A Photo A Day project. So far, I've got photos for the first 3 days of the year. Now I just need another 362 photos. ;p

Oh, and I also intend to save at least 50% of what's left of my salary, after deductions (CPF, family, insurance). Must save up lah, for the big day. ;p
Posted by yellowlemonie at 11:12 AM
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