Monday, October 12, 2009
A random Chapter 406
1. After my last post about Gripes and Grouses about the Traffic System in Singapore, I came across yet ANOTHER incident about the ridiculous system that we had. Weining got a summon for "Parking in the wrong direction." Like srsly, wtf? This happened at/near the parallel parking at Club Street, where he was deemed to have parked against the flow of traffic. Hmm. If you knew of this rule/law, raise your hand pls? Thought so... ;p (yes i see those quizzical looks on your faces). And it's a fine of $50! Next thing you know, we'll have fines for "Not parking perpendicularly to the road" or "Failure to align vehicle to the middle of parking lot."

2. Went to watch (500) Days of Summer! It was brilliant for a few reasons -
a. M1 had a 1-for-1 deal at Cathay on Sundays, so we only paid $10 for 2 tickets!
b. The plot and directing was pretty awesome! (I'm horrible at describing such stuff, and have limited vocabulary, but take it that i think it's really really good!) In fact, there's an article in Life! today that you should read. None of the cheesiness (except the ending line of the movie) of a romantic comedy, and very enjoyable. There was a scene where Joseph Gordon-Levitt breaks into a dance in the middle of the movie, which I just can't help thinking of the uncanny resemblance to a Bollywood movie... And various other quirkiness of the movie, that you can somehow relate to. "Honey, our tap is broken!" / "Penis!"
3. Tis' the exam season! Exams are here! My classes will take their papers tomorrow and Thursday! Judgement day! I hope they all do well, and pass with flying colours! (now, this has got to be the cheesiest line in this post. Looks like something i picked out of a primary school autograph book... hehe. "May you pass your PSLE with flying colours!" Though, sidetracking, that is unlikely to happen for this batch of P6 students, given how hard the Math paper was apparently supposed to be.) I shall be burdened by all the marking from tomorrow onwards... Red pens, check. Answer key, check.

2. Went to watch (500) Days of Summer! It was brilliant for a few reasons -
a. M1 had a 1-for-1 deal at Cathay on Sundays, so we only paid $10 for 2 tickets!
b. The plot and directing was pretty awesome! (I'm horrible at describing such stuff, and have limited vocabulary, but take it that i think it's really really good!) In fact, there's an article in Life! today that you should read. None of the cheesiness (except the ending line of the movie) of a romantic comedy, and very enjoyable. There was a scene where Joseph Gordon-Levitt breaks into a dance in the middle of the movie, which I just can't help thinking of the uncanny resemblance to a Bollywood movie... And various other quirkiness of the movie, that you can somehow relate to. "Honey, our tap is broken!" / "Penis!"
3. Tis' the exam season! Exams are here! My classes will take their papers tomorrow and Thursday! Judgement day! I hope they all do well, and pass with flying colours! (now, this has got to be the cheesiest line in this post. Looks like something i picked out of a primary school autograph book... hehe. "May you pass your PSLE with flying colours!" Though, sidetracking, that is unlikely to happen for this batch of P6 students, given how hard the Math paper was apparently supposed to be.) I shall be burdened by all the marking from tomorrow onwards... Red pens, check. Answer key, check.
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