Thursday, December 01, 2011
Chapter 423 - Holidays!
Well, it's been 6 months since my last post. I wonder if the interval between posts will become longer and longer. In any case, many a time, I've had a thought about a post that I want to write, but I just can't seem to find the time, or energy to write. And obviously, it's not as if nothing noteworthy has happened in the last 6 months.

It's the holidays now finally! Not quite fully holidays yet as there's yet a long list of items on my to-do list, including a number of items relating to work. But at least I get to spend some time to myself, to do the things that I've not done in a long while, such as catching up on anime. I can now proudly proclaim that I have caught up with my Bleach episodes! Been lagging behind for like.... the last 2 years?

I went for a leisurely cycle today, instead of a purely exercise cycle. I recall when I was around 12-14 years old, I used to go cycling around my neighbourhood everyday. And I think I was quite a terror back then.. haha... and those were the days when cycling was not "legalised" on the pedestrian paths in Tampines yet. But then again, where else could we have cycled? I recall cycling to as far away as East Coast Park (Bedok Jetty), and to Changi a couple of times, and my favourite was cycling in the rain! woohoo!

And back to my leisurely cycle today - I cycled from home to Pasir Ris Park first, it's been a while since I had the chance to observe people, not that the park was teeming with people (i think the sea is still teeming with bacteria though), and then I was disappointed to find a dead end at the far of the park and had to turn around. :( Then I cycled through Pasir Ris Farmway (it sure reeks of dog poo and pee! or at least I doubt cats and birds smell that badly) to Lorong Halus Wetland Reserve.
That's me beside my bicycle. Not bad for a self-taken shot! (Timer function on the iPhone Camera+ app!) The clouds loomed on the horizon, but it didn't rain thankfully. And then I crossed the bridge and headed for the Punggol Waterways. The scenery on the sides of the waterway was fairly refreshing for an HDB estate, though I can't say that the path is quite cyclist friendly yet. The path was somewhat bumpy - not so good for guys on bicycles. ;p
That's me again. This time I used a dustbin as a support. ;p And then I went to check out my flat's progress! Not much visible progress though. I suppose they're working on the electrical wiring and plumbing. Well, they'd better be! The only visible development I noticed was across the road. Beside the Chinese temple, there's now a new construction site, and from the notice, it says:
They're constructing a 9-storey nursing home! Well, I can't say I'm entirely pleased by the prospects of living across a nursing home. I had hoped that it would be a polyclinic, or something, since it said "healthcare" on the blueprints. :( Also, across on the other side of the road, there's a signboard which says that the land has now been sold, which means they'll be starting a new housing development soon. There goes the field for flying kites. (yet another :( )

And thereafter, it was a long and lonely cycle back home. I had clocked 33.5km according to my sports tracker app by the time home (workout link), although it was definitely longer, cos the GPS only started functioning when I got to Pasir Ris. (i was using my trusty E71 to track my sports workouts, cos the heart rate monitors works with it, but not on the iPhone)

I think I'll wake up with sore muscles tomorrow. And I have to take my IPPT next Wednesday. What joy?

Posted by yellowlemonie at 12:27 PM
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