Thursday, May 18, 2006
Chapter 101 - *quack*
I had such a great time this evening! Guess what I was doing... ;p
I was feeding ducks! Well, decided i'd go shooting (with my camera) today and decided since I had some extra bread sitting in my room, why not feed the ducks? And then i remembered that there were a family of duck(lings) and goose(lings) near the Cavendish labs....

And so Sean and I cycled down to the Cavendish. On the way, we also saw a *hop* rabbit *hop*. I'm sooo not used to rabbits being in the wild. To kenny, rabbits = pets = stay and home in a cage. To sean, rabbits = food. haha. but yeah, it's so cute.

So when we arrived on location, the goose and goslings were the first to spot us, and they dunno what is call "paiseh", knowing that we got food for them, headed straight for us. I must say it was quite a traumatic experience initially to have 6 goslings and 2 geese so close to you especially when you're sitting down and seeing "eye-to-eye" with the geese. but soon enough, the goslings and some (male) ducks were huddled all around me trying to sneak bites of the bread i brought.

and they are damn cheeky! at least once, while i was holding the piece of bread in one hand and morsels in the other, they took a sneak attack from behind me (i was sitting down) and grabbed the (big) piece of bread away from me! hmm. but nonetheless they were all very cute.. and i've never had ducks/geese/ducklings/goslings feed off my hand before... or for that matter, ducklings were kind of fictional in my vocabulary before I came here. :)

to finish off, i thought i'd put this picture. -goslings in close proximity- the 2 photos i put up here are quite lousy cos they were shot using my handphone camera.. (i was shooting on film, which takes a while to be developed and scanned..)
Posted by yellowlemonie at 9:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww so adorable... =) the ducks who live in churchill just run away once we go near them. our ducks eat worms and grub not bread, unlike those in england. talk about uppity. hwahhaha. the only up close and personal would be with small parrots that ate/snatched from my hand. it was indeed that highlight of that day. =) saw a family of bunnies near a lake that sits in the middle of my campus and they were like Peter rabbit...with white bobbing balls of fur for tails. met them a couple more times ard midnight while walking home. i've named that path bunny hop lane. haha.

3:43 PM

Blogger yellowlemonie said...

oh, u're living in churchill? that's my college! :)

well, it takes a while to lure them over actually.. especially the ducklings cos they were in the pond initially, but yah, very fun!

bunnies! yeah, aussie land rabbits are a bit of a problem aren't they? but cute! bunny hop lane... *hop*

7:28 PM

Blogger yellowlemonie said...

and i've been wanting to ask, but have you got a blog? :) (don't shy lah... u know u want to share it.. haha)

10:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah...yea churchill is such an english english name.hmm..maybe i shall try that. wait patiently and lure them with a veggie sandwich. saw another family of ducks today by a pond when i went for a short ard the area.
saw pelicans for the first time when i went for a kayak camp near Wilsons Promontory. they reached up to my shoulders! beautiful birds though. cant see any of them in spore. what a pity!haha...okie yes. i do have a blog. not as cleanlined as yours though.

2:34 PM


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