Saturday, May 06, 2006
Chapter 94 - My vote is secret
So i did travel down to London yesterday to vote. Voting was done at the London High Commission of Singapore. It was quite amusing though I thought. There were no other voters around, cos I arrived at a not-3-not-4 time of 4.30pm. haha. (of course the odds were pretty low, considering there are only 550 overseas voters? hmm) Anyway, from the entrance of the high com to the voting room, i was ushered by a total of 4 members of staff from the high com, and it wasn't all that long a distance anyway! And as John put it quite aptly, they were quite civil (duhz, being civil servants.. ;p) but not friendly enough to offer you a curry puff... :)
So here's the high com. A photo that costs me $50 cos I lost my spare camera battery taking this shot. (i only realised it after boarding the tube.. *frown*)

So anyway, I wasn't the first person to vote... Zhongyi was and he was featured in the news (hur hur)... Check out the article here. I was also mentioned too. Was interviewed over the phone, although I must say i was misquoted. The journey from Cambridge to London is only 1hr 45 mins by coach, not 3 hours as written. But I don't mind lah, makes my journey to middle earth sound very Herculean indeed...


So last Sunday, I went down to Cottenham with Sean & Bob to check out this camera fair. We cycled down and went past this field of oil seed rape in full bloom. Endless yellow flowers in sight, juxtaposed with the dramatic clouds in the sky. Very nice indeed.

And i'm proof that the flu bug spreads. I'm quite sure I caught it from my supervisor when I had supervision on Wednesday cos he wasn't feeling too well and I was the nearest to him. *sniff* sighz.. feels horrible.... urgh...
Posted by yellowlemonie at 9:15 PM
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