Sunday, May 07, 2006
Chapter 95 - Some interesting stuff
well, while looking at the Cambridge newsgroups yesterday, someone posted this thing about dogging, and provided a link to wikipedia's definition of it. I thought it was highly amusing, especially the "Etiquette and Safety" section... Check it out here

also, in other amusing news, check out Mr Brown's persistently non-polical podcasts... This one, as recommended by Andre, is damn funny! (seriously... damn funny... can die... haha) Of course, you must have been following the James Gomez issue... Even if you haven't it's still worth listening to.. =) Also check out Mr Brown's site!

Anyway, had a loooong rest last night, woke up spitting a thick blog of phlegm. Yuck. And met up with Fraser who was en route back home but stopped by to meet up with me. It was nice to meet and catch up again, and walked around town, had tea, although I can't say the weather was being all too friendly. And now I'm back in my room.. *sniff* reckon i should get some work done now... ;p
Posted by yellowlemonie at 4:14 PM
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