Saturday, August 04, 2007
Chapter 233 - Teaching @ Dunman Sec
My very short attachment @ Dunman has ended in a flash, including an additional 2 days of relief teaching afterwards. And apparently, I need to exercise discretion writing this blog, ie. cannot bitch too much about the students especially, cos some of them/you are reading this. *evil grinz* so I guess you'll just have to read between the lines... ;p

[edit] Just for the record, we weren't technically paid to do our attachment... but of course, we were still receiving our allowance lah, so cannot complain... ;p [/edit]

Racial Harmony Day Celebrations - 23 Jul 07
As part of the Racial Harmony Day Celebrations, all the teachers and students were encouraged to dress up in ethnic attire (although the teachers were forced to more strongly encouraged to dress up than the students...)
Fitting 8 faces into the picture while holding the camera at arm's length proved to be a challenge indeed....

In case you were wondering what Wei Bin and I were doing at the side - No, we weren't trying to re-create a Bollywood scene, much as it may seem like it.. ;p We were trying to run away from the picture, BECAUSE..... (the rest you figure out yourself... it was something to do with someone who was trying to get a picture with SOMEONE else...). And in case you're very bored, and stare closely at the picture, you realise that there's actually an extra leg in the picture! (*gasp* - belonging to none other than Kim Yong...)

And then finally, because Miss Luar Phey Phey wasn't there when we took the pictures, so we had to photoshop her into the photo... Almost died laughing the first time I saw it...

The "BEFORE" shot
The finger shot once more! (referenced to this post)

The "MAGIC" shot
Shot in the staff room

The "AFTER" shot
hahaha... so funny... somemore Phey Phey's expression so bemused....

Sec 5C, 2007
Over the course of my attachment, I went to quite a few classes - of which the regular ones I followed were 4B, 4E/F, 5B and 5C, which I now realise none (hopefully) will still be around when I return next year... The MOSTLY wonderful bunch of students...

Before I left, I made sure to take a class photo, which somehow I only managed to do for one class... Interestingly, I found the 2 Sec 5 classes more enjoyable to teach and more fun to interact with...
The Class of 5C, 2007...

And sadly, I wasn't around the day they took their school class photos too... otherwise, i'd also have caught the HOT "girls"....
so much fun!

Sighz. Once again I'm counting down the number of days till I leave... Did 5 weeks just go by just like that? I'm left with 7 days now, and there's still so much I wanna do here... It's like being sentenced to death, and knowing you only have 7 days left... Of course you're gonna tell me that I'll be back in a year, but a year just seems so far away right now... :(

PS: my flight is SQ322, 2320hrs, 11 Aug... although i think i'll be at the airport from 7pm onwards for dinner....


Posted by yellowlemonie at 8:03 AM
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