Saturday, December 22, 2007
Chapter 269 - Merhaba
It's now 7.30pm, we're in Erzurum now, waiting for a bus to Mardin which is due to leave at 9pm. It's -10 degres celsius (yes, minus), hence we're slacking in an internet cafe killing time. It means I get to catch up with my anime (bless whoever created Youtube!), and I also get to "connect to the world"!

I keep forgetting to bring my card reader in my daypack, so I haven't been able to upload an photos yet, but I will soon enough. :)

Anyhow, I thought I'd say something about the Turkish keyboard... There's a post at on Wikipedia about the Turkish keyboard. But basically, the main difference is that they have TWO "I"s on the keyboard, one with a dot and one without. So they look like : "I,ı" and "İ,i".

It's quite confusing, cos when I want to type a capital I, I need to look for the I without the dot, and a small i, I have to look for i with the dot. To solve the problem, I've managed to change the keyboard layout to a US keyboard... ;p

Also, there're FIVE additional characters: ç (or C with a pubic hair, as Keng Rui calls it) ş (s with pubic hair - hmm.. this sounds a little wrong), ğ, ü and ö.

And unlike the Iranian computers, the Turkish ones don't have annoying filters which block sites like Facebook (!!!! - imagine days without Facebook!!!), and are pretty fast - though most cafes tend to be a little smokey... :(

For now, I shall go watch some more anime... hehe...

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Posted by yellowlemonie at 5:34 PM
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