Monday, November 19, 2007
Chapter 263 - A Tribute to Pierre
As requested by Hidayah, here's my little tribute to Mr Pierre-Andre Salim, a dear friend and mentor.... These are all the mentions to Pierre I have written over the past two years...

4 Jan 07 - Kenny writes about his visit to Pierre at New Haven - which was awesome btw. I remember we had a leftover thanksgiving turkey or some sort when his sister was there.

4 Jan 07 - A review on Mary Poppins, recommended by Pierre. I scoffed at Pierre when he was gonna watch Mary Poppins (refer to the 25 Sep 05 post below) and when I was told that it was really good, I didn't believe it until I went to see it for myself. Pierre never lies....

2 Jan 07 - Cabaret the Musical. The last show that we worked on together. (though this was my review on Cabaret in London) Cabaret was also one production which got Pierre (and myself) quite exasperated at points - it wasn't easy.. I remember those sleepless nights moving equipment at 2am in the morning...

4 Dec 06 - My time in the US when I went to watch"Black Snow" - a Yale production which Pierre worked on...

5 Jul 06 - Kenny complains about how hard he's working in Cabaret (directed at Pierre of course... ;p)

2 Jul 06 - All the running about during Cabaret... I do actually miss working on productions, and more so if I'm not working with Pierre...

27 Jun 06 - More on Cabaret....

21 Apr 06 - A reference to Pierre's MSN nick. And also how I'm flying back earlier to work on Cabaret...

12 Mar 06 - An obscure reference to a conversation with Pierre

20 Nov 05 - On Phantom of the Opera
As Pierre said, it's like wah! got "lake", got rowing boat, got chandelier falling, got people falling, got people disappearing, it was simply..... an experience beyond words...

17 Oct 05 - Reminiscing the time during Madama Butterfly where we tried so hard to borrow OHPs...

25 Sep 05 - Meeting up with Pierre in London when he was here to help his sister settle in Liverpool.

I've only known Pierre for about 2.5 years, but in these 2.5 years, we worked so very closely together... Madama Butterfly was the first show we started on and we hit it off right away. Then was Second Link! and then Cabaret the Musical. Often we'd be hanging out at the production office, if not heading out for coffee, or for supper.

And to think our last correspondence was when I sent Pierre a video link to the "12 days of Cantona" video last Wednesday... I know you enjoyed it, so here's another one...


Posted by yellowlemonie at 8:48 PM
Blogger LavanyaLea said...

oh dear, a 1-wk old turkey? was it still edible?


7:09 PM

Blogger yellowlemonie said...

haha..i remember heating it up in the microwave, and then I made some sauce for it.. can't remember what else we had it with to be honest... possibly rice i think... :)

10:10 PM


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