Saturday, June 02, 2012
Chapter 425 - An Unexpected Accident
When you read the title of this post, you might be wondering, aren't all accidents unexpected? True to some extent, but I guess in my case, I didn't even see it coming! For example, if you were cutting fruits for dessert, you might accidentally prick your finger. Or a baby could have been created "accidentally". But in these cases, you kinda knew what was happening before the accident happened.
Well, to cut my accident story short, all I can remember was leaving my house on Tuesday (29 May) to go for tuition. I remember getting on my bike and leaving, and the next thing I knew, I was at the A&E ward of Changi General Hospital. I have no recollection of the events that happened in between. Scary you would say. I find the whole sequence of events a mystery as well. I'm not sure if I'd blacked out before the accident, and hence caused the accident, or that I had a concussion after the accident that led to me having some short-term memory loss, or that as my mother and one other patient in my ward told me, if it could be a case of 鬼遮眼。To be honest, your guess is as good as mine, as to what has happened.
Anyway, so here's the events that happened before and after the accident, in chronological order (mostly): [Warning: there are some photos of the wounds too...]
6.05pm - I'd left my house to go for dinner before tuition. It was a somewhat usual routine. I was looking forward to some "healthy" fast food at Vegan Burg (at Eunos) - you should try it if you haven't! They serve gluten free bread and meals. Very heartily wholesome!
~6.10-6.15pm - I apparently hit a motorcycle at the slip road from Tampines, going to the PIE. (I say apparently, because this is what the Traffic Police officer told me when he called me later in the day)
6.15~7.45pm - My mind was in a blur. I briefly recall someone telling me that he was an SCDF officer (i think my mind responded to the SCDF part instinctly), and I recall being taken to a CT scan at the hospital. I somewhat recall having a neck brace or something, which was then removed. I also recall being extremely apologetic at the hospital, saying "Sorry for the trouble" and "thank you" to all the nurses and doctors who were helping me. Don't ask me why - I think it was all out of my very polite subconsciousness. (My parents would have been proud) I'm not sure if I was "high" from the pain (which I didn't seem to feel) or from some painkiller drugs they gave me. But in any case, everything seems to be moving extremely fast (from my perspective).
7.45-8pm - I seem have regained consciousness around 7.45pm, although the memories are still hazy. I realised I was put on drip - my first time being on drip. In fact my first time being warded in a hospital. I recall giving the nurse my mother's contact number (Esther was overseas, and I didn't want her to be worried, especially when she'd only left the day earlier, after much preparation for the trip). The nurse, I think her name was Lei Lei, started to dress my wounds. I started to have a clearer picture of the injuries I had - although because I didn't have my spectacles, it wasn't so clear. I had some abrasions on my left toes (2nd, 3rd and 4th) - cos I was wearing slippers. Scratches on my right leg (cos I was wearing shorts) and an especially deep gash just below the knee. (It's a bit graphic to describe, but you could see the bone from the gash. Sounds horrible just writing it here, but somehow it wasn't so shocking when I saw it. And thankfully, no fractures)
8.30pm - My mum arrives to see the horrible state that I seemed to be in (with bandages all over my legs and face). She didn't seem extremely shocked, so I guess it was a good sign that my injuries were not too serious. (I say this because I had no idea how my injuries looked like)
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This was how i looked after being bandaged |
(But I mean, if it was really my fault, and you want to charge me for careless driving, then so be it! At that point in time, and even now, I'm still trying to figure out what's happened, so shouldn't you be trying to help me figure out what's happened, instead of pointing the finger at me?)
I found out that the other rider whom I'd crashed into was discharged already.
~9pm - Around this time, I was taken up to the ward, since I was deemed to no longer require the services of A&E. My father had also arrived at the hospital. They met me at the ward. I was initially warded to Ward 47, Bed 32 - Class C ward. The nurse said she'd check what my civil servant benefits entitled me to, but never got back to me, but my parents were adamant that I should be upgraded to a B ward. In this end, they went to settle the paper work for me, while I sort of rested. My mind was starting to clear up, but still no recollection of the accident. I sent an SMS to my tutee and his mum to inform them about the accident, and that I was doing fine. They replied and said, they were worried, because I was never late. I was looking forward to some solid food, but was told not to eat and drink in case I needed to go to the OT. :( So poor Kenny was left hungry again.
~10pm - My parents are back with the documentation that said I would be transferred to Ward 37, Bed 16 - a class B2 ward. But I would have to wait for the nurses to send me there. In the meantime, I was supposed to wait for the doctor from orthopedics to take a look at my injuries. I sent my parents home to rest in the meantime - felt bad to have troubled them to come down after their long days at work, and for worrying them.
~11pm - No doctors have come to see me yet. Only a nurse who'd come to take my blood pressure and to check on my drip. I enquired about the doctor. The nurse said that the staff nurse had called the doctor when I first arrived, but they were not here yet. I was starting to feel sleepy. Whatever "high" I had from the adrenaline/pain/drugs was starting to wear off.
~12midnight - I decide to walk to the counter to ask the nurse if I could be transferred to Ward 37 already, and if the doctors had arrived. To my relief, the doctors had arrived, and were busy typing away at the computer - probably trying to find out my case history. I was relieved, and was sent back to my bed.
The doctors (Dr Jonathan Tan, who was a house doctor, and another lady doctor) came. They removed all my bandages to take a look at my wound, and said that I'd need to go to the Operating Theatre (OT) to clean the wounds and get it stitched up. However, there were some life & death operations going on in the OT, so I had to wait. (I guess this was a good sign that at least they considered my condition to be non-critical).
After the doctors left, I was put on a drip pump to increase some sodium/potassium ion in my blood so that I'd be ready for the General Anaesthesia (GA) for the op. I swear this drip pump was more painful that all my injuries combined. I promptly pressed the call button to alert the nurse, who reduced the flow rate for me, and gave me an ice pack. The pain was so severe initially that my entire left arm started to get numb from it. She reduced the flow rate from 50 to 20 to 15. And even at 15, it was still painful, just not intolerable.
I fell asleep soon after with the ice pack on my arm.
~1.30am - I got roused from my sleep. I was wondering - is it time for me to change wards already? Or is it time for me to go to the OT? To my disappointment, I was roused to go for an X-ray of my toe, to ascertain that there were no fractures there. I was wheeled to the X-ray room and back within 10 minutes. I enquired if my bed in Ward 37 was ready and was told to wait for a porter to take me over.
~2am - The porter had finally arrived! Hurray! I was wheeled to Ward 37 - which in my opinion, I could have walked there on my own, since they were really just next to each other. Or that the nurses could have just taken me over on their own. But perhaps there's some "politics" between the wards, or some "caste" system in place such that nurses from a certain class ward was not allowed into another class' ward. But whatever it was, I was glad to finally have a most restful sleep.
When I got to ward 37, the nurse hooked me up to the same drip pump thingy, and I had to ask her to lower it again. But I tried to increase my pain tolerance to cope with a flow rate of 20 this time. Pretty painful but I was tired, and I fell asleep soon after with a new ice pack.
~6.15am - Morning call! Or maybe not... I was woken up to get changed into surgical gown so that I could go to the OT. I remember going to the toilet to pee - it's amazing how much water goes in via IV! And I remember the nurse giving me a disposable underwear to put on ("Do I wear anything in the surgical gown? I take off my underwear also?") cos she thought that maybe I was "shy". Well, perhaps I was.. haha..
6.30am - I was wheeled by 2 ladies to the OT on Level 3. I still remember the route from my days doing my hospital attachment at CGH in the first year of my JC days. The chinese lady told me that I shouldn't ride a bike.
I arrive at the OT and I remember it was freezing! The nurses were nice though - they gave me ample blankets to keep me warm. I had to wait for a short while before it was my turn. Once I got wheeled into the OT, a certain Dr Kenneth came to check on my details (He said, "You're Kelvin, is it?" Not sure if he was trying to check my level of consciousness or if he'd really thought I was a Kelvin... ;p), and explained that he was gonna adminster GA on me. He explained the risks to me - there's a chance my blood pressure will drop, and I can suffer a heart attack, etc etc... but as if I had another choice! In any case, I was soon transferred to the operating table. My first time in an OT, and I remember the room was spacious and there were many lights on the ceiling (pardon my observations. one can only observe so much when he is lying down... ;p). Soon came the gas mask - I remember the gas mask from the time I had a toe fracture in Sec 4 and had to be sent to KK hospital. But that's a different story. Anyway, the doctor said I would soon fall asleep, and asleep I did fall.
My only regret was that I'd wanted to say Thank You to the surgeons before the operation began, since I knew after the operation, I would be asleep for quite a while more. But they were too efficient for me. ;p
After the op - I'm not sure what time, but when I was being wheeled back to the ward, I remember feeling extremely nauseous - one of the side effects of the GA. And I puked twice (or thrice) on the way back to the ward. You can't really blame me though - the nurses were pushing me so fast on the bed, that I was getting motion-sickness! (Ok, from my perspective anyway)
10am - I awoke around 10am, back at the ward. I think I was awoken by the nurses taking my blood pressure. (Remember my blood pressure might drop suddenly? so they have to monitor it on an hourly basis, which meant I was woken up every hour for my blood pressure to be taken) From this time till around 12 noon, everything was hazy again. But this time, at least I know it was the effect of the GA.
I remember a speech therapist (Raymond) came by to "test" my memory. He asked me some questions and showed me 3 photos and asked me to remember the sequence of the photos (clock -> toothbrush -> bird), and he said he'd come by the next couple of days to see if I'd remember his name. He never had the chance to come back to test me, cos I was discharged the next day. If I can give him any feedback, it would be "DON'T TEST A PERSON WHO HAS JUST WOKEN UP FROM GA! It's really hard to concentrate when you're groggy!)
I also remember a doctor came by to take blood samples for Renal tests (kidney functions). I remember that the extraction of blood wasn't painful at all - perhaps because of the GA. And I remember telling the doctor that "That was fast!" (the blood extraction that is).
I also remember the orthopaedic doctor (lady one) came round to check on me. And so did this big sized doctor, who I later find out that he's the senior consultant for Orthopedics - Dr Chua (which I'm told is quite a senior post). I told him I was feeling nauseous. He said it's normal.
It's funny looking back at this period, but I remember I asked almost every doctor/nurse who came by to do some test on me what time it was. I was disappointed that only 30-60 mins had passed in between each "test".
12.30pm - My father arrives with my uncle. My father had not been working that day. (not because of me though). I asked if he could bring my iPhone charger. Also, I tried to drink milo, and promptly regurgitated it all out.
1.30pm - My tuition kids (Justin & Joel) & their mum came by for a visit. I think they felt bad that I got into an accident while I was on my way to their place. But I guess, it really could've happened anytime. They were nice enough to have gotten my Brand's essence of chicken, as well as Vitamin K to help in my recovery.
2.30pm - My dad returns with my iPhone charger! I am reconnected with the world! Or actually not. I was still too drugged from my GA to comprehend what was going on around me. In my mind I only wanted Sleep Sleep Sleep! I was worried that Esther would be worried cos I hadn't messaged her for the day, so I had to come up with an excuse that my phone battery had died cos i hadn't charged it properly the night before. I guess this shows that my brain function was still doing well. :)
3.30pm - zzzzzzzz. More blood pressure taking
4.30pm - zzzzzzzz. More blood pressure taking
5.30pm - I finally wake around 5.30pm, feeling refreshed and no longer nauseated! (which is a great relief!) Now I know how it feels like to have "morning sickness". Anyway, I was looking forward to dinner - which would be my first solid food since 10am the day before.
Dinner was served around 6.30pm, and it was Japanese Curry Rice with Pork Chop! And I would say it was really yummy! But I might be biased. It was my first proper meal in 1.5 days, so I'd have found anything delicious. ;p
Anyway, I shall stop writing here. It's tiring to write about 24 hours worth of events in 1 hour. The summary of events that happened after was that I got discharged the day after (hurray)! My colleagues (Melvin, Shi Ru and Georgina) came to visit me too. I received a fruit and flower basket from my school. I made a traffic accident report with the police. And since then, I had been resting at home and playing Diablo 3 and sleeping.
I guess I'm lucky cos it's the June holidays now, so I don't have to go back to teach. (although Melvin had to cover my lessons for the June study camp). I'm also lucky that my injuries were not too severe, and that Esther wasn't with me at the time of the accident. And many things to be thankful for too.
Here are some photos of the injury, taken 1 week after the accident... (mostly for myself to remember... ;p) You can see that the wounds are healing quite well, many thanks to all the fish essence that I've been drinking... :)
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Abrasion on the left knee |
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Injured toes on left leg. Fake toe nail on left 4th toe with 3 stitches |
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This is how the stitches on my right leg look like.. 9 stitches here |
"....In your sickness and your health.... I promise to cherish you"So you'll have to still accept me even though how horrible I may look when you see me.... ;p
OMG Kenny, I was just passing by when I saw this. Please take care! Btw, notice that you went on the diving trip only 1 week after (and did I even meet you the same week without noticing anything amiss?). You're one resilient fella! Anyway hope you're alright now...
4:06 PM
Hi Gabriel! well, sorry for the late reply on your comment!
Anyway, i went diving with the stitches (with a plaster over the stitches.. doc said it was okay). and actually, now that i look back at this 3 months later, it really did look kinda horrible and scary! but the wounds have healed already and pretty well too, so i guess I'm pretty lucky and fortunate!
thanks for the concern! and let's meet up again sometime soon! :)
4:07 AM
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