Monday, May 27, 2013
Chapter 432 - Lessons learnt from Baby Matthew
So anyway, you might have guessed - that our lives now revolve around Baby Matthew, with him being the centre of the universe. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing though. I think. ;p Just thougth I'd jot down some of my thoughts, and lessons learnt.
Lesson #1 - Be Patient
One of the most important things to note when taking care of Baby Matthew is to be patient. For example, when you are tapping him to sleep at night, you have to be extremely patient to make sure that he's completely asleep (i know it's funny to say "completely" asleep, but well, babies have this funny ability to be semi-asleep that they actually are omni-sensing even when they look like they are asleep) before you can actually put him down in his cot, and walk away. Oh did I mention that even putting him down from your arms is a delicate skill - you need to do it in steps, so that he "thinks" that he's still being carried, and even when you've put him down, you need to be at bay to make sure that if he startles (oh no, where is daddy's hand?), you are able to assure him that he's safe and secure.
Lesson #2 - Be Happy (always)
Sometimes when Matthew is asleep, he smiles to himself - with such genuinity that you would really think he was having sweet dreams. I do often wonder what he dreams of though. (oh, and he does also "cry" in his sleep, and then stops and goes back to sleep - nightmares I presume. Perhaps milk shortage? ;p) But anyway, this point here is really to say that there's no point being angry - like when Matthew refuses to sleep (and gives you that most innocent looking face, looking about curiously at the room), or when Matthew decides to poop on you right after his shower. But yes, I guess that's all part of the whole parenthood package. You've just got to take it in its stride.
But all in all, good fun so far. Wish I could be more helpful with the night feeds (Matthew's being breastfed for now).
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