Monday, December 31, 2012
Chapter 429 - Welcome 2013!
It's sort of become a tradition that I've got to write a post on my "New Year's Resolution" every year, so here it is!

As we leave 2012 behind and usher in the New Year, I've got to say that I begin the year with plenty of uncertainty - not necessary in a bad way I guess:

1. Uncertain of when we will move into our new flat! In case you've not read my previous post on our housing woes, you should! ;p We're keeping our fingers and toes crossed that we'll move in around the 20th of January.

2. Uncertain of my new "job". I think most of you will already know, but I'm moving to HQ next year to be a Special Pro-jects Officer - a bit of a change from teaching. For now, I only have a very vague idea of what I'm gonna be doing, so again I'm hoping that this move is for the better! (Not that I could have stopped it if I'd wanted to though...)

3. Uncertain of when a certain piece of ear wax is gonna come out of my ear! And yes I'm serious about this! 2 days ago, I went swimming, and ended up with a bit of a blocked right ear. And then I was so annoyed by it yesterday I decided to try and clean it with a cotton bud, only to push ear wax deeper into my ear! Spent 2.5 hours at the Polyclinic today to find out that the ear wax is now impacted (i.e. stuck) and I've got to come back for ear syringing (basically using a syringe filled with water to flush my ear). But well, the silly thing is that the appointment for the ear syringing was gonna be in a month's time! I think I can only tolerate a couple more days of bad hearing in one ear before I start pushing all sorts of stuff into my ear canal to take out the ear wax!

Well, thankfully I also went to see a GP this afternoon, and we should be able to do some ear syringing on Wednesday. So even as 2013 has arrived, I've entered 2013 with blocked ears! And I've got to put this wax solution into my ear to try and soften the ear wax so that it's more likely to come out during the ear syringing! Brings new meaning to the saying "Happy New Year, Pull Your Ears!" haha!

But on the other hand, I also begin 2013 with something that I'm looking forward to - the birth of our first child! 2012 was indeed a life-changing year - what's with the wedding, our honeymoon, and now that Esther's pregnant, we are both looking forward to seeing our baby boy some time in early April! :)
Posted by yellowlemonie at 4:16 PM
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