Sunday, June 23, 2013
Chapter 434 - A Tale of 2 PiSaIs
Last night, baby Matthew was crying uncontrollably on the way home and we just couldn't figure out why. He didn't want to drink nor was his diaper in need of changing. He even refused to sleep on the journey home (which he usually does). 

Of course, we had to dig deeper. 

Upon reaching home, we finally managed to settle him down to take some milk, and we were about to give him his usual 9pm wipe down before bed time and that's when I noticed it - The Booger aka Pi-sai, in both nostrils. Of course, I didn't think much of it initially since it was not an uncommon occurrence. So I took a cotton bud to try and get it out. Unfortunately, both decided to go deeper into the abyss. Thankfully, the left Pi-Sai came out on its own soon after (all hail gravity!) and that's when we saw how big that Pi-Sai was! If there was a Pi-Sai rating, I'd think it'd have been a 700! (Near choking levels) One can only imagine the amount of dust and mucus that went into that!

So of course, must get the other one out too right? Unfortunately, the cotton bid wouldn't do the job, so that called for more "specialised" tools. You know that metal rod with a scooped end that people dig their ear wax with? That's the one we used. And in it went into the right nostril. Without much effort, we'd struck gold again! This time, the Pi-Sai was one that could easily match the other Pi-Sai. 

And well, Matthew seemed visibly relieved that his Pi-Sai rating dropped considerably and his comfort rating was steadily improving. With that, he had his usual bed time milk and went to bed.

The end.

PS:If you find any PSI related jokes in my post, I can assure you it's purely coincidental. 

P PS:it's a real story btw, not a made up one. :)


Posted by yellowlemonie at 8:12 AM
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