Sunday, June 13, 2010
Chapter 412 - What an Arts Festival!
Oopps. Accidentally clicked the publish button even before I'd written anything... ;p
Singapore Arts Festival 2010
During this year's Singapore Arts Festival, we have:
- walked through a fire garden, full of burning orbs, some suspended from trees, as part of a bigger structure (as part of Dream - A Fire Garden Installation),
- watched a very creative puppet show, which involved the audience throwing paper aeroplanes onto the stage at one point during the performance (as part of Y o'clock),
- laughed at my own [teaching] profession (Those Who Can't, Teach),
- was held up at the Esplanade concert hall entrance while a troupe of Spanish oddballs (who drove into the main entrance of Esplanade in a van) entertained the audience (we were packed like sardines) with their antics, and then entered the concert hall warzone, where newspapers and barricade tape had been strewn all over the place! (The Carnival of the Animals and Peter & the Wolf)
- and finally 2 nights ago, we entered a container truck (as the cargo) and were driven around Singapore to the various container facilities, with guest appearances by Celine Rosa Tan as the Hantu Singer (Cargo: Singapore-KL) [in fact, we were almost late for this performance and ran like mad people from the car park all the way to the waterfront, and made it just by a whisker of time... ;p]
All in all, the events that we'd attended were, I'd say, hardly mainstream at all. Perhaps it was 'cos of the choice of events, but I must say that I welcome this change, and variety of performances offered to us. The price of the tickets were rather steep for some shows though (eg. $68 for the Carnival of the Animals, which I thought was hardly worth the price. Although this doesn't quite measure up to the $680 for the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra)
Ok. Next up, Jay Chou's concert! :)
Labels: Singapore Arts Festival