Sunday, December 31, 2006
Chapter 158 - "Home" Sweet "Home"
After spending much of the last 48 hours flying/travelling by train/walking, i'm finally back in London, fully functional with my laptop, of which, i think the laptop is the most important, because although i WAS on holiday, i was somehow being HOUNDED for work. hmmz.

But that (work)'s not gonna happen till tomorrow though cos my body's kinda wondering WTF is going on with the time zones. It's kinda saying, making up your &Y#*&$( mind!!! hehe.

Oh, and while picking up my laptop from Cambridge, I found that 3 people I sent X'mas cards to has had some mishaps to their cards. First one was stamped "Return to Sender: Advise sender on letter size (too small)", but was sent in the end, cos it was mailed in the US, but the return address was in the UK. The 2nd one's envelope got ripped somehow and arrived in a USPS bag with "We're sorry/We Care" thingy. The 3rd one somehow landed itself back in my pigeon hole in college. Good thing it was meant for someone in college - the receipient's name got STAMPED by the postmark and couldn't be read by my porters. hmm. I wonder if there were any missing ones that went un-noticed.

Me so tired, me go do other stuff now. :) HAPPY 2007 EVERYONE!!!!! (don't think i'll be awake enough for countdown later....)
Posted by yellowlemonie at 4:36 PM | 0 comments
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Chapter 157.5 - California Dreaming
I'm in Stanford right now! Haven't had time to upload photos and write about stuff, but it's been a good trip so far! And I've been enjoying it. Merry Christmas to everyone in advance! (in case I don't get a chance to blog again!)
Posted by yellowlemonie at 6:56 AM | 0 comments
Monday, December 04, 2006
Chapter 157 - The Big Apple
Yippee!!! The US of America! :)

So I flew off yesterday afternoon to New York. And of course, making sure this time that I didn't miss the flight as I did when I went to Singapore for the summer break. But there are other adventures this time...

1. At the check-in counter, the lady asked me if I have a US Visa, and I gave her the what-you-mean-i-need-a-Visa look and I said, I believe Singapore's on the Visa waiver program. And of course, not trusting me (and probably still thinking that Singapore is somewhere in the middle of China), she goes on to ask her colleague next to her, who promptly asks her to check the list, which was in front of her, and of course, finding out that we ARE on the Visa waiver program. :)

2. We were stuck at stupid Heathrow waiting for planes to land for about 45 minutes. What a waste of time.

3. And as if that wasn't enough, we took the longest possible route to "avoid bad weather" and ended up taking a route that had HEAD winds that were 120mph, when we were flying at 550 +/- 20 mph. Hmm. As the chinese saying goes: "Yi Lu Shun Feng" (translated to be Bon Voyage - but in the sense that your journey will be smooth like the wind). I think my journey was more like "Yi Lu Xiang(4) Feng", i.e. journey always against the wind.

But of course, the delays meant that I had more time to enjoy the inflight entertainment (on Virgin Atlantic) which I never thought I'd be getting, considering how little i paid for my flight... hehe... So I watched Mission Impossible 3 (amazing. loved it. so fast paced and so much action), Always Sanchome no Yuhi... [Sunset on the 3rd street] (this jap movie, which was quite random, but not too bad nonetheless) and finally The Devil Wears Prada, which I thought was really good. Not to mention, I can think of a couple of people i know who actually fit the "Devil"'s character in the movie, about how everything she says IS the law and has to be obeyed. (No names mentioned - i'm not supposed to be a bitch here.. =X )

So anyway, I arrive in New York, take another 1.5 hours on the subway/airtrain to get to my hostel, which I didn't book (forgot to.. haha.. realised that the day i was supposed to fly off), but managed to get a bed nonetheless. And then I'm off to New Haven to visit Pierre in this town of Yale people... ;p (ie. i haven't got to see the sights of NYC yet, except the glimpses of some skyscrapers.. but I will, next week...)

In the meantime, I'm off to have dinner and catch this show called "Black Snow" which Pierre was one of the builders for the set and he's gotten tix for me. Tata for now!


Posted by yellowlemonie at 11:24 PM | 1 comments
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Chapter 156 - The US of A
Well now. Nothing very exciting to update about my life except that it's gone by in a blur. Over the past week, things that has happened include the Asian Food Festival (CUMSA), CUMSA Happy Holidays Bop (clubbing event), X'Mas Formal in Churchill, Fairbairns races - for the Women's 1st VIII and Men's 2nd IVs (rowing)... and there's gonna be boat club dinner tomorrow. This is on top of all the stupid academic work I have to do, which includes a lab report writeup which I've just submitted today....

GOsh. it's FINALLY the end of term. It's the end of a beginning... ;p Now I need to frantically pack my room tomorrow, finish up some stuff and proposals I need to draft/prepare and then I'm pretty much done.... But for now, I need sleep.... zzzzzzzzzzz
Posted by yellowlemonie at 12:00 AM | 0 comments
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