Friday, January 15, 2010
Chapter 409 - Life in 2010
Life in 2010 has gone by kinda quickly thus far. It's already the end of week 2! (20% of Term 1 completed!) It's also been rather exhausting getting things going.
School reopened on the 3rd of Jan, and the first morning assembly of the year was held in the school hall due to a light drizzle. There was chatter abuzz in the hall, though the atmosphere was somewhat tense (new classmates, new students in the school!) But with the singing of the National Anthem, school song, and the recitation of the pledge, the familiarity of school life came back to me. I felt like I was re-living my student life.
Anyway, with that came 2 very busy weeks of school - much of which is still a blur in my head.
On Monday this week, I was in 4E2, and when I went to switch the lights to the white board on, I took a double take. Was that a spelling mistake on the switch labels? When I took a closer look, this was what I saw:
I must say whoever did the labels had been somewhat "creative" and had over-generalised the spelling for white board. Sure you pronounce "light" as "light"... but "wight" as "white"? ;p I just hope that the person who had done the labels had just been careless, and had not really thought that wight white board was spelt that way....
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Chapter 408 - Ushering in 2010
Well, it took me 3 days to finally write my New Year's Day post. I was wondering what my New Year resolution was for 2009, and I found out that I actually didn't bother with resolutions! Instead, I reflected on how 2008 had been for me.
So, should it be resolution, or reflection this year? Honestly, I can't decide. Maybe I will do both.
Reflections of 2009
I thought 2009 was somewhat an uneventful year, so much so that I had the least number of posts here since 2005. I guess most of that was due to the very busy and hectic teaching schedule, and the utter brain drain that I face at the end of every day. What exactly happened in 2009? I passed my 2B riding test, got a bike, graduated from NIE (which is probably the best thing that happened to be in 2009!), oh, and bought a flat too!
Also did a fair bit of travelling. Visited Bangkok (Dec/Jan), Bintan (Apr), Laos (June), Batam (Oct), Vietnam (Nov/Dec) - trying to cover more of the South-East Asian countries, now that I'm back in Singapore.
Resolutions 2010
My resolutions for this year? Top on my list will probably be to exercise more! Strangely enough, I seem to have put on some weight teaching, even though I skipped lunch on most days. To help me with that, I have bought a bicycle (a road bike), and I intend to cycle to school on most days (provided I'm not going out after school). The 15-minute ride to school (x 2, cos it's to and fro) will probably be better than no exercise at all. In fact, I tried riding to school the other day for contact time - it was quite a workout. (I was panting, and perspiring!)
Other things will include learning something new - such as maybe sailing? kayaking? But I honestly think this won't materialise, given how tight the school schedule is already, and how CCAs, committees, and admin work will start kicking in for us this year. Instead, I thought I might try what Louis has done - the A Photo A Day project. So far, I've got photos for the first 3 days of the year. Now I just need another 362 photos. ;p
Oh, and I also intend to save at least 50% of what's left of my salary, after deductions (CPF, family, insurance). Must save up lah, for the big day. ;p